DON'T STOP, YOU'LL DIE! v0.0.1.3 Update

Hey everyone! Apologise for the time between between updates, but the next one is here! I'll be honest - this update is a bit dicey, it's in a playable and somewhat stable state, but there may be a few more bugs than last time. If you happen to find any, please let me know!

- Converted the project to the Universal Render Pipeline.
- Player can no longer aim while reloading.
- Doors graphics no longer render on top of the walls.
- Walls on the minimap now render correctly.
- Temporarily removed the Revolver weapon.
- Added a new NPC, an arms dealer - Mort.

- Enemy coin drop rate on death.
- Enemy health pickup drop rate on death
- Adjusted all shop item prices
- Adjusted all weapon prices
- Adjusted how much damage enemies deal to players.

- Implemented a dialogue system to allow the player to talk to NPCs.
- Overhauled the shop system:
- Now a separate UI menu for the shop, as opposed to the original shop system.
- Added a dynamic tooltip system, which allows the player to easily see information about shop items without cluttering the screen.
- Temporarily removed “Azrael” boss.
- Changed where the doors lock, allowing the player more space within rooms.
- Added new weapons: Burst Rifle, Shotgun, Auto-Pistol.
- Overhauled Enemy AI under the hood.
- Added Status Effect functionality (i.e damage over time, slowness ect).
- Weapons can now be purchased from Mort’s weapon shop.

- Added art to the shop room to make it look more… like a shop?
- Overhauled the art in the “Limbo” levels.

- Implemented animations to the shop items, to indicate which items have been selected or are disabled.
- Animated all weapons: Idle, Shoot and Reloading.

- Coded an Object Pool manager to help with recycling game objects in a more efficient way.
- Removed some larger rooms as they were causing levels to take longer to generate. (Will add these back in once I find a solution to the issue)

- Converted Dialogue system to use TextMeshPro for crispy text!
- Disabled the scene transition fader, due to some wacky bugs. When transitioning from level to level, the game is NOT frozen, it’s just loading!
- Gave all items taglines, and descriptions in the item shop, as well as updated their prices.

- Fixed a bug that allowed the player to Dash when stationary.
- Fixed a bug that allowed the player to kill enemies during the spawn indication phase.
- Fixed an issue with enemies spawning out of the playable area.
- Fixed a bug where the doors could shut on top of the player, causing a softlock.
- Fixed a bug which caused the player to not be able to interact with Gort on level 1-2 -> 1-5.
- Fixed a bug which caused the mouse cursor to lock after interacting with an NPC, causing a softlock.
- Fixed a bug which caused enemies to no longer drop coins and health pickups properly.

- Issue with the mouse not appearing when selecting dialogue options, or first browsing the shop. To fix this, hit the “Escape” key to pause, then unpause the game. (Currently working on a fix).
- Potential soft-lock, where the room doors close too early, trapping the player in the collider. (This currently has an inconsistent reproduction rate, so it’s been tricky to test, but I’m working on getting it fixed ASAP!)
- Tooltip UI in the shop can sometimes be jittery.
- Tooltip UI can display over the edge of the screen, essentially cutting off some of the text.
- Camera panning still works during dialogue sequences.
- Azrael boss sometimes still spawns in level 1-5, causing a softlock.
- Mort’s shop sometimes stops generating after level 1-2.


DON'T STOP, YOU'LL DIE! [Demo].zip 92 MB
72 days ago


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I checked out your game! Looks awesome! I love the wall sprite art.


thank you! I appreciate it!